This Code of Conduct to Protect Children is intended to ensure the safety of the children involved in Internazionale
Soccer Club youth programs. This Code establishes boundaries for team officials, managers, coaches, and volunteers
associated with program delivery while interacting with children, and assists individuals in identifying concerning
behaviour, and govern a response to unacceptable behaviour.
Internazionale Soccer Club has adopted the following Child Protection Code of Conduct to guide adults involved in youth
soccer program delivery in their interactions with children. The safety, rights and well-being of children we interact with
are at the core of our youth programs. We nurture supportive relationships with children while balancing and encouraging
appropriate boundaries.
Internazionale Soccer Club is committed to ensuring all children are protected and safe. The safety, rights, and wellbeing
of children participating in Internazionale Soccer Club programs is a priority in our daily operations.
The intent of this Code of Conduct is to guide Internazionale Soccer Club team officials, managers, coaches and
volunteers in developing healthy relationships with the children involved in sport programs delivered by our organization
and to model appropriate boundaries for children.
1. The following terms have these meanings within this policy:
1. a) “Internazionale Soccer Club” means Internazionale Soccer Club.
2. b) “Designated Person” is the person designated by Internazionale Soccer Club to act as the primary person to
investigate and appropriately deal with questionable conduct or behaviour of Internazionale Soccer Club team officials,
managers, coaches, and volunteers.
3. c) “Inappropriate Behaviour” includes, but is not limited to,
i. inappropriate communication. Communication with a child or his/her family outside of the context of duties for the
organization, regardless of who initiated the exchange. For example:
1. A) personal phone calls with a child unrelated to duties;
2. B) electronic communications with a child (email, text message, instant message, online chats, social
networking including “friending”, etc.) unrelated to duties;
3. C) personal letters not tied to duties with a child, and
D) excessive communications (online or offline).
ii. Inappropriate contact: spending unauthorized time with a child outside of designated duties with the
iii. Favouritism: singling out a child or certain children and providing special privileges and attention. (for example,
paying a lot of attention to, giving or sending personalized gifs, or allowing privileges that are excessive, unwarranted or
iv. Taking Personal Photos/Videos: recording video or photos of a child, or allowing any other person to do so, as
well as uploading or copying any pictures you may have taken of a child to the Internet or any personal storage device.
Pictures taken as part of your job duties are acceptable, however, the pictures are to remain with the organization and
not be used by you in a personal capacity.
v. Conduct embarrassing to a child.
vi. Conduct shaming a child.
vii. Blaming the loss of a game on a child.
viii. Harassment as defined in the Viktoria Harassment Policy.
ix. Telling sexual jokes to a child or making comments to a child that are in any way suggestive, explicit or
x. Making comments regarding a player’s physical appearance including comments regarding a player’s weight,
height, physical capabilities, and physical attributes.
xi. Behaviour that would be perceived by a reasonable observer to be culturally insensitive or discriminatory
towards a child.
xii. Showing a child material that is sexual in nature, including, signs, cartoons, graphic novels, calendars,
literature, photographs, screen savers, or displaying such material in plain view of a child or making such material
available to a child.
xiii. Intimidating or threatening a child.
xiv. Exhibiting any on-field behaviour that would be considered to express racism if observed by a reasonable
xv. Making comments that would be deemed to be emotionally damaging or potentially emotionally damaging to a
player if observed by a reasonable person.
xvi. Engaging in or expressing any behavior that would be deemed to be verbally abusive if observed by a
reasonable person.
d) “Team
under suspension, who is engaged in the role of coach, assistant coach, and/or team manager for a team during the
current soccer season.
Official” means any person who has been properly registered and is not
e) “Personnel” means Team Official as defined in 1 c) and any volunteer involved in Internazionale Soccer Club program
2. All Internazionale Soccer Club Personnel must;
1. a) treat all children with respect and dignity;
2. b) establish, respect, and maintain appropriate boundaries with all children and families involved in activities or
programs delivered by the organization, and
3. c) only engage in appropriate physical contact with a child if the child requests and/or consents to such
appropriate physical contact.
3. It is important that all Internazionale Soccer Club personnel monitor their own behaviour towards children and
pay close attention to the behaviour of their peers to ensure that behaviour is not considered Inappropriate Behaviour
and is respectful and will be perceived as such by others.
4. All Internazionale Soccer Club interactions of team officials and volunteers with children shall:
1. a) be known to, and approved by the board, where applicable, and the parents of the child;
2. b) be related to the duties of their involvement with Internazionale Soccer Club, and
3. c) be focused on the development of the child’s soccer-related skills and experiences with
Internazionale Soccer Club.
5. a)
All Internazionale Soccer Club Personnel shall always consider the child’s reaction to any activities, conversations,
behaviour, or other interactions and carefully be aware of whether such behaviour may be deemed by Internazionale
Soccer Club as Inappropriate Behaviour.
b) If, at any time, a team official or volunteer is unsure about the appropriateness of their behaviour or the behaviour of
others, they shall discuss it with the Designated Person.
6. Internazionale Soccer Club personnel must not:
1. a) engage in any sort of physical contact with a child that may make the child, or a reasonable observer feel
uncomfortable, or that may be seen by a reasonable observer to be violating reasonable boundaries;
2. b) engage in any communication with a child within or outside of duties arising out of their role and
involvement in Internazionale Soccer Club, that may make the child uncomfortable or that may be seen by a reasonable
observer to be violating reasonable boundaries;
3. c) engage in any behaviour that contravenes or would appear to a reasonable observer to contravene
Internazionale Soccer Club’s mandate, policies, or Code of Conduct to Protect Children, regardless of whether or not
they are discharging the duties and obligations that their involvement in Internazionale Soccer Club requires at that
moment, and
4. d) conduct independent investigations of allegations or suspicions of potentially illegal or Inappropriate
Behaviour. All Internazionale Soccer Club Personnel have a duty to report the matter to the Designated Person, parents
of the child, or Edmonton Police Services.
7. Inappropriate Behaviour will not be tolerated, especially as it relates to the well-being of the children involved in
activities or programs delivered by the organization.
8. Whether or not a particular behavior or action constitutes Inappropriate Behaviour will be a matter determined
by the Internazionale Soccer Club having regard to all of the circumstances, including past behaviour, and allegations or
suspicions related to such behaviour.
9. All coaches of Internazionale Soccer Club youth teams are required to complete Respect in Sport Activity Leaders
Training. Please visit for more information.
10. a)
All registered team officials are required (regardless of occupation) to have a valid Police Information Check (ePIC) no
less recent than 36 months ago on file at Internazionale Soccer Club prior to being eligible to participate in Internazionale
Soccer Club events.
2. b) ePIC’s obtained from sources other than the Edmonton Police Service (EPS) or RCMP must indicate clearly
that a Vulnerable Sector Search has been completed.
3. c) A team official may NOT be placed on a Internazionale Soccer Club roster for the upcoming season if they
have previously been provided with a volunteer letter from Internazionale Soccer Club during the previous season(s) and
have not completed and shared those results of the Police Clearance with Internazionale Soccer Club.
11. Internazionale Soccer Club shall maintain one club official who has completed Commit to Kids Online Training. This
individual shall be identified as the club’s primary contact for child protection and their contact information shall be
publicly posted on their website.
12. a)
There must at all times be two NCCP-trained or certified coaches with a player in situations where the player is
potentially vulnerable. One-on-one interactions between a coach and a player, without another individual present, must
be avoided in all circumstances except medical emergencies.
2. b) If two NCCP-trained or certified coaches are not available, screened volunteers including managers,
support personnel, chaperones, and Internazionale Soccer Club directors may be substituted instead.
3. c) If the individuals prescribed in subsection a) are not available, parents of players on the team shall be asked
to temporarily substitute.
4. d) If there are no adults specified in subsections a) and b) available, there shall always be more than one
player with the coach at all times.
5. e) The following situations specify circumstances in which a player is considered potentially vulnerable for the
purposes of section 12 a);
i. in the locker room or changing area;
ii. travel involving commutes longer than thirty (30) minutes, and
iii. overnight travel including situations in which Members stay anywhere other than their home
13. All Internazionale Soccer Club Personnel must report suspected child sexual abuse, Inappropriate Behaviour
or incidents that they become aware of, whether the behaviour or incidents were personally witnessed or not.
14. All Internazionale Soccer Club Personnel have an independent duty to report all suspicions of potentially illegal
behaviour directly to Edmonton Police Services.
15. Circumstances in which Internazionale Soccer Club Personnel are required to report and the respective
agencies they must report to include, but are not limited to;
a) all allegations or suspicions of potentially illegal behaviour (for example, child sexual abuse) that Internazionale Soccer
Club Personnel witness first-hand. These must be promptly reported to Edmonton Police Services.
2. b) all allegations or suspicions of potentially illegal behaviour that a Internazionale Soccer Club Personnel
learn of must also be promptly reported to Edmonton Police Services. Edmonton Police Services will make the
determination as to whether the allegation or suspicion requires further investigation.
3. c) all allegations or suspicions of Inappropriate Behaviour that Internazionale Soccer Club Personnel learn of
or witness first-hand, must be reported to the Designated Person.
4. d) all allegations or suspicions of Inappropriate Behaviour that Internazionale Soccer Club Personnel learn of
or witnesse first-hand, must be reported to the parents of the child involved in the suspected or alleged Inappropriate
5. e) potentially illegal behaviour or Inappropriate Behaviour by Internazionale Soccer Club Personnel or a third
party, such as a parent, teacher, babysitter or coach.
16. Internazionale Soccer Club Personnel must keep in mind that they may learn of potentially illegal or
Inappropriate Behaviour through the child involved in the behaviour, a third party, or through witnessing the behaviour
17. If Internazionale Soccer Club Personnel are unsure whether a situation they have witnessed or otherwise
became aware of, involves potentially illegal behaviour or Inappropriate Behaviour, they shall discuss the issue with the
Designated Person who will support them through the process.
18. When an allegation or suspicion of potentially illegal behaviour is reported, Edmonton Police Services will be
notified. Internazionale Soccer Club shall follow up internally as deemed appropriate.
19. When an allegation or suspicion of Inappropriate Behaviour is made, Internazionale Soccer Club shall follow up
on the matter and gather information about the circumstances to determine what, if any, formal or other disciplinary
action is required.
20. In the case of Inappropriate Behaviour Internazionale Soccer Club shall report the matter to Edmonton Police
Services if:
a) multiple behaviours were reported;
b) inappropriate behaviour is recurring, or
c) the reported behaviour is of serious concern
21. If a Internazionale Soccer Club Personnel are found to have engaged in Inappropriate Behaviour by
Internazionale Soccer Club, they are subject to permanent prohibition from future Internazionale Soccer Club
22. If Internazionale Soccer Club Personnel that are subject to disciplinary action under section 20 of this Code of
Conduct to Protect Children wish to appeal a decision made by Internazionale Soccer Club, they may request a review of
their conduct and the Internazionale Soccer Club decision by the Internazionale Soccer Club Board of Directors.